Play Party Wardrobe

What do I wear to a party? Well, there are a few things to consider first:

  • Does the space allow nudity?
  • Do you have to pass through a public space before the event?
  • What is your role at the event?

Dos and Don’ts


  • Dress as sexy as you like! This is your chance to literally let your freak flag fly. Have a harness or roleplay outfit you’ve been dying to wear? Always wanted to cross-dress or do some gender-fucky? Now’s the time.
  • Always have a cover-up available – be it a robe, muumuu, dress, or similar – in case of emergency.
  • Consider wearing comfy clothes over or alongside your sexy gear – a hoodie and sweatpants are great when you’re coming down from a scene.
  • Bring indoor, flat footwear. (Note: indoor shoes are required in The Warehouse)
  • Dress comfortably – nothing that restricts regular movement when socializing.
  • Bring a towel (or 2). They really do come in handy! (Note: Towels are required if using the hot tub, or to lay on furniture if nude.)


  • Wear stilettos or any footwear with sharp details (like spiked boots).
  • Wear spiked clothing if you plan to play on the furniture.
  • Wear anything that requires 2 or more people to put on or remove.
  • Wear anything that restricts breathing or that you plan to use as such – collars are fine – as long as they are not used for breath control.
  • Wear anything considered a hate symbol. This includes any patches or insignia with hate symbols or speech.
  • Impersonate law enforcement or any other enforcement agency.

Play Party Packing List